Hockey at Evergreen Lake
Hockey at Evergreen Lake is wildly popular and growing sport in Evergreen, Colorado. We have 11 open air rinks right on the lake just for hockey games. All are pick up games except for one time a year. Evergreen hosts the Evergreen Pond Hockey Tournament where locals, and not so locals, sign up for this tournament which usually sells out within hours of open registration. It is a must see event!.

The lake also offers drop in scrimmages for youth hockey every Thursday night from 5 to 6 pm for the simple price of regular admission. The goalies are available, the rinks are supervised, and the scrimmages are open to age groups 5 to 8 years of age and 8 to 14 years of age. Come check it out.

A winter skills hockey clinic for ages 5-14 is a learn how to play hockey clinic. It is available to those that are not quite confident in their game. You can work on your skating ability while learning how to play hockey. The lake offers classes that consists of drills in skating, shooting, offense, defense, and scrimmage. Hockey sticks and helmets are required and we recommend protective gear as well. A Friday night scrimmage and a Friday night “Lake House Cup” is the carrot at the end of the training . Sweet!

For details on pricing and dates, check out the this link:
And a good number to call before you head out: 720-880-1300